In Too Deep

It seems way too easy

To loose control

To an irrational thought

An emotional pull.


It drags me in deeper

Yet I fake a smile

I don’t even squirm,

As it walks on for miles.


The craziest part

Is it’s all in my mind

But it’s still in control

And I freeze every time.


This can’t conquer me!

I think to myself

But I keep going deeper

And don’t ask for help.

© Kendra Condojani, Apr. 09, 2019

*Disclaimer!  I am not the speaker in this poem and my inspiration for writing it came from a story I read.*

Sleeping In Haiku

The soft morning sun

Bathing everything in light

Slipped past me today.

© Kendra Condojani, Mar. 11, 2019

The Reason Infinity War was so Sad

I write this now after watching The Avengers: Infinity Wars, so it is safe to say if you have not seen it yet and do not want to see any spoilers, it would be wise to avoid this post.  After watching the movie, I was completely reduced to tears, but not for the same reason as many others in that theater.  When the credits began to roll, I felt like something had been stolen from me, a bit of security that I held onto wasn’t there anymore.  I found the reason for this awful feeling lying in the composition of stories themselves. Continue reading

I Like to Think my Soul is Blue

I like to think my soul is blue.  Not blue like old faded jeans or tear drops or soft dreary music, but blue like the starry arms of the milky-way, the tumultuously turning tides, the glowing promise of the future, the shadows of friends under a sunset.  Blue is timeless.  Blue lives for the future while not forgetting the past and not being bound by either in the present. Continue reading

The Shape Shifter

Always changing never stopping
changing for society
Fitting molds of new ideas
having not a sense of me Continue reading

Out of My Mind! (or am I in it?)

Have you ever heard the term “out of your mind”?  It’s a phrase that basically means mental, loopy, insane, crazed, and a wide variety of others.  The thing is, if you take some time to think about it, it doesn’t make all that much sense.  Really, just think.  Would a person who is constantly out of their mind be more insane than someone who is constantly stuck in their mind?  That also brings up the question of what sanity really is.  The Webster definition is “the ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner; sound mental health”.  Well… What is normal?  What is a thought? And sound mental health?  How exactly is that judged?  Of course, I’m sure there are answers and theories and essays galore online, and that fact is undoubtably the reason behind 2-in-the-morning wikipedia searches.  See, I’m not out of my mind, I’m in it, and I have no doubt it drives me crazy.  So, I bring myself back, and come to the question, which is worse?  Being in your mind or out of it? Continue reading