Sleeping In Haiku

The soft morning sun

Bathing everything in light

Slipped past me today.

© Kendra Condojani, Mar. 11, 2019

Rain or Shine

When it rains it doesn’t pour

It’s just a mist and little more

To bring an umbrella would be a joke

Yet it won’t stop until you’re soaked

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Where the Sunset Was

Yesterday the sun did fade

Slowly beneath those somber waves

But oh, sunset, where are you now?

For today the sun is caked by cloud.

I Thought it was Hot

I always thought the sun was so hot

As it blazed in Phoenix’s summers long

But now Florida’s humidity

Tells me that I was sorely wrong


The shimmering sun begins to fade

Till all bright colors ebb away

And all we see are somber shades

On Earth’s newly moonlit display